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Title The South American Missionary Magazine
Issue Number 920
Volume Number 89
Issue Date Jan-Feb 1955
Keywords animal, baby, Baptists, birth, chief, children, clergy, committee, congregation, convert, correspondence, death, dispensary, doctor, donation, evangelism, extended family, family, film, finance, flood, furlough, generation, gospel, hospital, hunting, hymn, income, Indians, Jesus, marriage, money, Native American, nurse, photograph, prayer, preaching, privilege, rail, recruitment, salvation, school, secretary, service, South American Missionary Society, surgery, teaching, The Bible, trade, trial, ward, wife, women, youth
Countries Argentina; Australia; Bolivia; Canada; Chile; Guinea; Ireland; Lebanon; Nigeria; Taiwan; United Kingdom
Places Bonny; Dublin; La Paz; London; South America; Taipei; Waskaganish
Produced By South American Missionary Society
Place of Publication London
Other Titles
Library Crowther Mission Studies Library
Copyright Church Mission Society