agriculture, animal, arms, baby, bandit, baptism, Bible woman, birth, blindness, boarding-school, Brahman, camp, caste, catechist, chief, children, cholera, Church of England, Church of England Zenana Missionary Society (CEZMS), clergy, committee, communication, confession, confirmation, congregation, convert, correspondence, deacon, deafness, death, disease, dispensary, doctor, education, exhibition, extended family, family, famine, festival, fever, furlough, gospel, government, healing, Hindu, hospital, hymn, idol, institution, Islam, Jesus, jewellery, liberty, marriage, medical mission, medicine, Mohammedan, monarch, money, morality, New Testament, nurse, opium, ordination, orphanage, photograph, plague, plants, prayer, preaching, prison, prisoner, privilege, psalm, race, rail, sacrifice, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, ship, shrine, smallpox, Sunday School, surgery, teaching, The Bible, translation, tribe, ward, widow, wife, women, youth, zenana