agriculture, arms, birth, British and Foreign Bible Society, cannibal, Catholic, chaplain, chief, children, Church of England, civilisation, clergy, colony, committee, confirmation, conflict, congregation, convert, correspondence, death, dictionary, dispensary, doctor, donation, education, empire, evangelism, exhibition, family, finance, generation, gospel, government, hospital, hunting, hymn, Indians, Islam, Jesus, liberty, literacy, literature, magic lantern, medical mission, medicine, Methodist, Mohammedan, monarch, money, native agency, Native Church, nurse, photograph, pioneer, plants, port, prayer, preaching, prejudice, print, privilege, Protestant, providence, race, rail, recruitment, Roman Catholic, Royal Geographical Society, sacrifice, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, ship, slavery, South American Missionary Society, steamboat, Sunday School, teaching, The Bible, trade, translation, trial, tribe, university, war, ward, wife, witchcraft, women, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)