agriculture, animal, arms, baptism, Bible woman, Book of Common Prayer, camp, Catholic, chaplain, chief, children, Church of England, civilisation, clergy, committee, congregation, convert, correspondence, deacon, deafness, death, discipline, doctor, donation, Evangelicalism, evangelism, exhibition, exploration, family, famine, finance, flood, generation, gospel, government, hospital, hunting, hymn, Indians, indigenous Christians, Islam, Jesus, liberty, literature, London Missionary Society, martyr, medicine, medicine man, mission house, Mohammedan, money, murder, Native American, Native Church, nurse, ordination, photograph, pioneer, plague, plants, prayer, preaching, print, prisoner, privilege, providence, race, rail, Roman Catholic, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, ship, South American Missionary Society, Sunday School, superstition, teaching, The Bible, trade, translation, transport, tribe, ward, widow, witchcraft, women, Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)