agriculture, arms, bandit, baptism, blindness, camp, caste, catechist, chaplain, charity, chief, children, Church of England, clergy, committee, confession, congregation, convert, correspondence, deacon, deafness, death, disease, dispensary, doctor, dysentery, education, empire, evangelism, examination, exhibition, extended family, family, famine, festival, fever, flood, gospel, government, healing, Hindu, hospital, hymn, Indians, indigenous Christians, Islam, Jesus, jewellery, leprosy, medical mission, medicine, Mohammedan, monarch, money, morality, music, native clergy, New Testament, Old Testament, operating theatre, opium, ordination, pastor, piety, pioneer, plague, port, prayer, preaching, prison, psalm, sacrifice, salvation, school, Scripture, secretary, servant, service, ship, slavery, steamboat, surgery, teaching, The Bible, theology, translation, transport, trial, tribe, Universities' Mission to Central Africa (UMCA), university, war, ward, wilderness, women, youth